Jesus invites each one of us to be in a dynamic, fruitful relationship with him – and we grow best in community! ECC Princeton offers regular chances for believers to be GROUNDED in basic Christian teaching and GROWING in greater intimacy with God. Every opportunity is rooted in Scripture and focused on helping you nurture your connection with Jesus Christ in your everyday life.

CURRENT SERMON SERIES: Keeping Company with Jesus

JAN 9-MAR 20, 2025

Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God. It’s a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What’s the purpose of life? What’s next?

If you’re looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, we have a place for you.
  • Learn more about Alpha here.
  • Sign up for Alpha here.


  • BOOK OF REVELATION: DRAGONS & TRUMPETS & KINGDOMS, OH MY! (Wednesdays @ 6:15 pm) Pastor Derek’s Bible study is on winter break until February. Newcomers are welcome!
  • LIVING LIKE JESUS (2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 6:00 pm) This one-hour group will help you take a deeper look into Jesus’ life as seen in the Gospel of Luke. Meets at the ECC Student Center (33 W. Crown Street, Princeton). Starts Sept. 26. Childcare available! Leaders: Pastor Alex & Stacey Taylor
  • SERMON DISCUSSION GROUP (2nd & 4th Sundays at 10:15 am) After hearing the morning’s sermon, this group gathers to share their perspectives on the sermon, ask questions, and think about the practical implications for everyday life. Starts Sept. 22. Meets in ECC Room C. Ongoing, and always open to newcomers. Leader: Jackie Johnson
  • MEN’S BIBLE STUDY (Fridays at 6:00 am) Any man is welcome to join our informal group at this early morning Bible study. You won’t need a separate book or study materials. Just show up! Meets in the ECC Fellowship Hall. Leaders: Marty Schmeck and Pete Swanson
  • WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Alternate Thursdays @ 10:00 am. What does the Bible REALLY say about heaven? Join us as we follow the video-based study  “Heaven” with Jennifer Rothschild. Study guide costs $22 (Contact church office by 12/29 or order on your own). Starts January 9. Leader: Sandy Roseberg
  • WOMEN’S IF: TABLE GATHERING (2nd Tuesday of each month @ 6 pm) People naturally like to connect over a meal! So bring a brown-bag meal and get to know other women as we talk over dinner. We make space for each other through open-ended questions and open-hearted listening. Meets in the ECC Fellowship Hall. Leader: Sandy Roseberg
SIGN UP (only groups marked *)