Some relationships are so important that they change the way you relate to everyone else. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is like that. His generous love makes us want to give practical help and share genuinely good news with our local community and the world beyond!
Global Engagement Opportunities
Select a photo below to learn more.
There are 6 primary ways you can get involved in Global Mission. Nobody may be designed for all, but all of us are designed for at least one!
- LEARN: There are so many resources to help us learn more! Why not reach out to one of the missionaries we support to learn more about them? Our Global Team can provide you with contact information and other resources.
- PRAY: Prayer and intercession are vital ways we participate in God’s global mission. Try “adopting” one of our missionaries, and commit to pray for them regularly (list below).
- WELCOME: With the ease of international travel and communication, more people are visiting our country. This is a great opportunity for us to create life-giving relationships with people from around the world. Try visiting an ethnic restaurant and getting to know the staff, or volunteer to host students from other countries.
- GIVE: Sharing our resources is a very effective way of supporting ongoing missions around the world. Choose a missionary to support financially on a monthly basis, or send them regular messages of encouragement and care.
- MOBILIZE: Advocate for our missionaries, and encourage others to get involved. Talk to Pastor Alex about joining ECC Princeton’s Global Team.
- GO: “Go” is the most traditional understanding of involvement in Global Mission. ECC Princeton offers short-term mission trips for adults and students; find out if our next trip could be the right opportunity for you to share Christ’s love in a new way!